Recent Events
9th November 2023: Presentation at the 4th Dance Movement Therapy Online Science Café at the European Association for Dance Movement Psychotheraoy (EADMT). Caroline Frizell and Marina Rova co-presentation entitled “ART BASED RESEARCH”.
6th November 2023: Book Launch (in-person) or Posthunam Possibilities of DMP: moving through ecofemninist and new materialist perspectices of differently enabled bodies in research. at Goldsmiths, South East London, UK.
18th June 2023: Day Workshop Creating earth stories. Environmental Arts Therapy as part of the Environmental Arts Therapies (EAT) post-qualification training. Exeter, Devon, UK.
3rd June 2023 : Keynote Speech Moving bodies and environmental justice in
Dance Movement Psychotherapy at The AGM and conference of the Taiwan Dance Therapy Association (TDTA) Taipei, Taiwan.
20th-21st May 2023 Weekend training Course Ethical therapeutic encounters with the earth in mind. Part of a wider ecopsychotherapy module. The Minded Institute Warsaw, Poland.
31st March 2023 Book Launch (in-person) Creative Bodies in therapy, performance and community: research and practice that brings us home (Routledge). Edited by Caroline Frizell and Marina Rova. At Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
29th March 2023 Presentation and Workshop about chapter entitled Coming home to a posthuman body; finding hopefulness in those who care. In book launch for Holding the Hope:reviving psychological and spiritual agency in the face of Climate Change.(PCCS books) Edited by Diane Parker, Catherine Jackson and Linda Aspey, L. (eds.) Online
31 January 2023 Initial Book Launch of Creative Bodies in therapy, performance and community: research and practice that brings us home. Edited by Frizell, C. and Rova, M. (eds). (2023). Creative Bodies in Therapy, Performance and Community Research and practice that brings us home: London, Routledge. The Word Bookshop, New Cross, London, UK
16th November 2020 Presentation On learning from a woodlouse: the process
of becoming in a world in which all matter matters. At the International Festival of Mental Health: Holland
5th October 2022 Conference presentation Creative Bodies in therapy, performance and community: research and practice that brings us home. ADMP UK AGM and conference, Birmingham, UK
6th June 2022 Conference Presentation Posthuman research that re-animates our responsiveness to knowing and becoming Sentient Performativities Conference Dartington, South Devon, UK
30th April 2021 Member of international panel at the conference Codarts Dance Therapy conference. Codarts University of the Arts Dep. Master of Arts Therapies, Rotterdam
3rd March 2021 Presentation Learning disability imagined differently. icandance 2021 seminar series “In conversation” London, UK
10th October 2020 Presentation Dance as a vital art; in therapy and life Irish Association of Creative Arts Therapies (IACAT) AGM and conference. Ireland.
1st August 2020 International Online Dance Performance Be-coming Tree:
international performance platform for 25 artists to share performances inspired
by trees via Zoom.
2nd June 2020 Presentation Imagining Learning disability differently. Icandance online seminars
23rd September 2019 Presentation Ecopsychology: working towards health
and wellbeing in a world in which all matter matters. International Festival of
Mental Health and Wellbeing, held simultaneously in London, Liverpool, Maastricht and Amsterdam. Royal Society of Arts, London, UK
1st Sept 2019 Presentation A new-materialist approach to Dance Movement Psychotherapy at the conference: Cultural, Intercultural and Transnational Dialogues in Dance and Spirituality. Held in Cheltenham, UK.
8th November 2019 Presentation An evaluation of the interventions utilised by the TCES Group Socio-Educational and Therapeutic Milieu model of working with Children and Young People with co-morbid Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs and/or Autistic Spectrum Conditions. Transitional Care Education Services (TCES) 20th Anniversary celebration. House of Commons, Westminster, London, UK
4th-7th July 2019 Teaching Child skills in Dance Movement Therapy MA in Dance Movement Therapy. Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain,
28th June 2019 Presentation Respect for Other: touching and being
touched’ at the Space for Art Therapies” The 4th International Conference in
Expressive Art Therapies, Prague, Czech Republic.