Dance Movement Psychotherapy
Dance Movement Psychotherapy (DMP) offers a safe, confidential space, which allows individuals to explore and discover their unique inner depths through embodied experience. The body becomes a place of transformation, through sensory, physical and intuitive communication, as well as through creative, symbolic movement. The process of DMP offers a space to increase self-awareness and to learn to manage difficult feelings. As DMP practitioner grounded in the principles of ecopsychology, Caroline facilitates an integration of experiencing body and perceiving mind, in relation to wider community and ecological concerns.
Caroline is a Senior Registered Dance Movement Psychotherapist who has worked with a range of people, and offers an approach which respects difference, equality of opportunity and the wider ecological context. An initial consultation can be arranged to think about the feasibility of ongoing work and to agree a realistic working frame.
Select the links below for more information on DMP, Ecopsychology & UKCP.